3 Ways to Combat the Great Resignation
As you know, the Great Resignation is one of the greatest challenges facing organizations today.
But do you know why your employees are leaving?
Before assuming they’re moving on for better pay or more flexibility (although that may be part of it), take the time to schedule at least a 30-minute conversation with each of your employees to address the thee areas below.
1. Ask – How are you doing, really? What energizes you?
Remember the saying “People don’t leave jobs, they leave managers”.
Today more than ever, employees are craving interpersonal connections. Many are grieving and physically, emotionally spent. They want meaningful conversation as a person, not just as an employee.
Show a genuine interest and ask questions about their kids and family; favorite hobbies; what’s helping them get through the pandemic. From a work perspective, ask what kind of work energizes them and what work they enjoy doing the most.
2. Give concrete examples about the unique contribution your employees make
Highlight character traits about them as a person and what they bring to the team culture. Here are some examples:
- You are extremely talented at coming up with innovative ideas
- You have a way of rallying people together to create momentum on projects
- You’re the glue that helps people feel supported and work together
If you want to retain your best employees, acknowledge ways you see the impact they make just by being who they are.
3. Identify a tangible way for employees to know they’re making a difference
Don’t assume you know, ask them what will help them know they are making a difference.
Ask, what are meaningful ways to know that you’re doing a great job? Is it getting direct, consistent feedback from you as their leader? Would an informal survey from people they work with help?
Beyond the actual work people do, employees want to know their work has a purpose and they are contributing to a great cause.
During a team coaching session recently one employee said:
“Hearing from the sales team that the information I provide to them allows them to respond to our customers quickly and keep customers satisfied, helps me go home at night knowing I’m making a difference.”
Make the time to show a personal interest in your employees.
It matters to them and it matters to your employee retention.
Book a complimentary strategy session here and let’s talk about more ways to help you combat the great resignation.
About the author
Drawing from decades of experience as a psychiatric nurse and licensed family therapist, Bonnie Artman Fox works with family-owned businesses that want to bring their teams together and create healthy work cultures that drive results.
For more stories about how real-life leaders gained awareness of their conflict style and improved their leadership effectiveness, get Bonnie’s book How Did My Family Get In My Office?!