
What have you been missing?

Your day starts out as any other day - hurried and busy. As you are driving to the office you are thinking about all of what you have to do today. You realize you have back to back meetings. There is no wiggle room for the unexpected. You are wondering...

How to reduce stress and increase focus

Welcome to Making Conscious Choices, a bimonthly ezine that gives you practical ways to transform stress into calm and distraction into focus. The articles will take about five minutes to read and offer awareness to make conscious choices in line with who you want to be as a leader and person. The...

What she taught me

She is over 80 years old, grew up in several foster homes, and taught me the meaning of the phrase "opportunity for growth". As a young therapist, I had so much to learn. In order to fulfill the requirements to become a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, I had to...