3 Ways to Say Goodbye to Gossip: Embrace Direct Communication Today!
Is gossip fueling conflict and divisiveness within your team? Imagine this scenario → During a team meeting, one employee shares a new idea, as two others roll their eyes. They say nothing in the moment, but after the meeting, they criticize and dismiss their colleague’s idea behind their back. Gossip. It’s like a silent virus,…
Read More3 Motivators to Turn Around Abrasive Behavior and Improve Your Leadership Credibility
To effectively turn around abrasive behavior, leaders must develop self-awareness and be open to feedback. In this post, you’ll discover how one COO recognized her abrasive leadership style, took action to change, and replaced harsh tactics with respect and interpersonal skills, ultimately transforming her leadership credibility. It was a comment I never thought I’d hear,…
Read MoreWhat daily habit are you practicing to be the leader you want to be?
I’ve been reflecting on something powerful James Clear says in Atomic Habits because it applies so well to daily leadership habits. “Making a choice that is 1 percent better or 1 percent worse seems insignificant in the moment, but over the span of moments that make up a lifetime, these choices determine the difference between…
Read MoreHow Interpersonal Skills Improve Interpersonal Relationships
Recently, while camping (actually – glamping) with our grandsons, we had a moment that showed how interpersonal skills improve relationships and how important they are for building good relationships. One of our grandsons was playing with the fire, poking it with a big stick and then swirling the stick with the burning tip in the…
Read MoreInnovation, Diversity, and Resilience Strengthen Workplace Culture
As we celebrate the 4th of July in the United States, it’s a time to reflect on the values that make our country strong: independence, freedom, and unity. While we honor these principles, it’s worth considering how these values can be reflected in our work environment. A thriving workplace culture isn’t just about hitting goals…
Read MoreEmotional Intelligence, Personal Agency, and Your Wisdom Stories
Emotional intelligence and personal agency help leaders grow through challenges, inspired by wisdom stories of resilience and strength.
Read MoreThe Power of Apology: Restoring Harmony and Making Wrongs Right
Before my current role as an Executive Coach, I was a Marriage & Family Therapist. I worked with individuals, couples, and families to repair long-standing conflicts restoring harmony in their lives. Most often, reconciling relationships was a privilege. This week, leading up to Mother’s Day, I am thinking of one particular client, Jane. Despite being…
Read MoreHelping Teams Through Transitions: 4 Effective Strategies
Are you in a leadership role where you find yourself helping teams through transitions? Perhaps a new initiative was recently launched and your employees are struggling to adjust. As a result, morale is down and you’re concerned about the success of the new initiative. According to William Bridges, author of Managing Transitions: Making the Most…
Read More5 Steps to motivating abrasive leaders to change
If you are on the verge of losing valued employees because of a top-performing leader’s abrasive behavior, you’ll appreciate the following 5 steps to motivating abrasive leaders to change. Perhaps you’ve heard complaints from employees as they head for the door: TEAM MEMBER A tells you she’s leaving because of repeatedly being yelled at in…
Read MoreWhat is a Fixer? The Costs and Benefits of Taking Charge
Have you ever found yourself stepping into a situation at work or at home, and taking on the task of solving other people’s problems? Perhaps at the expense of your time, energy, and even money, you tend to step in to save the day? Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the demands of constantly trying…
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