5 Ways People-Pleasing Undermines Leadership Credibility
Have you ever considered how people-pleasing undermines leadership credibility? Of course, being considerate, respectful, and approachable are admirable traits in a leader. But what if being “too nice” is promoting artificial harmony on your team? When conflict arises, do you avoid difficult conversations for the sake of keeping the peace? If so, the result can…
Read MoreBlueprint for Managing Abrasive Leaders Effectively
Is Your Top Performer’s Abrasive Behavior Quietly Costing You Great Employees? High-performing employees drive results, but when their behavior is abrasive, the cost to morale, engagement, and retention is undeniable. Many leaders hesitate to address the issue, after all, these individuals bring in revenue, lead projects, and deliver results. But at what cost? When employees…
Read More3 Ways to Say Goodbye to Gossip: Embrace Direct Communication Today!
Is gossip fueling conflict and divisiveness within your team? Imagine this scenario → During a team meeting, one employee shares a new idea, as two others roll their eyes. They say nothing in the moment, but after the meeting, they criticize and dismiss their colleague’s idea behind their back. Gossip. It’s like a silent virus,…
Read MoreBeyond Knowledge: 7 Intangible Benefits of Being Mentored in Your Leadership Development
Who has been a mentor in your leadership development? January is National Mentor Month, and it would be interesting to know who has impacted your growth and ways they’ve impacted you as a leader. Mentors stretch us, believe in us, and take us beyond where we could go on our own.They are people we want…
Read More3 Ways Baking and Conflict Management Mix to make the Holidays Happy
It’s the time of year for baking—what’s your favorite holiday cookie? While I’m not much of a baker (or cook), I’ve had the privilege of learning from friends and family who are true artists in the kitchen. My good friend Donna, for example, once taught me how to make homemade crescent rolls, and she shared…
Read MoreThe Tru Leader Podcast – An Interview with Bonnie Artman Fox
Have you ever thought about how your family upbringing and life experiences impact your leadership development? I joined Tracy Christopherson, PhD, MS, BAS, RRT and Michelle Troseth, MSN, RN, FNAP, FAAN on The TRU Leader Podcast to discuss my journey from oncology nursing to family therapy and leadership coaching, and how early family experiences can…
Read More3 Motivators to Turn Around Abrasive Behavior and Improve Your Leadership Credibility
To effectively turn around abrasive behavior, leaders must develop self-awareness and be open to feedback. In this post, you’ll discover how one COO recognized her abrasive leadership style, took action to change, and replaced harsh tactics with respect and interpersonal skills, ultimately transforming her leadership credibility. It was a comment I never thought I’d hear,…
Read MoreWhat daily habit are you practicing to be the leader you want to be?
I’ve been reflecting on something powerful James Clear says in Atomic Habits because it applies so well to daily leadership habits. “Making a choice that is 1 percent better or 1 percent worse seems insignificant in the moment, but over the span of moments that make up a lifetime, these choices determine the difference between…
Read MoreWhen Thank You Feels Awkward: 4 Strategies to Give Genuine Appreciation
If you’re finding it difficult to give genuine appreciation to your team, you’re not alone—many leaders struggle with expressing gratitude in a way that feels authentic. Recently, a leader asked me, “Why should I praise employees for doing their job? They’re getting paid, isn’t that enough?” It’s a common sentiment. Many leaders feel appreciation is…
Read More5 key considerations when setting boundaries and addressing abrasive behavior
Addressing abrasive behavior in the workplace is crucial for fostering a respectful, productive environment. Tell me, have you ever overheard a conversation like this at work? “I wouldn’t go in there if I were you.” — “What do you mean?” “He’s in one of those moods.” — “The wrath of Jim mood?” “Yes.” — “Thanks…
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