Feedback Done Right: 3 Tips to Avoid Abrasive Feedback & Create Psychological Safety
To avoid abrasive feedback while maintaining psychological safety, it’s essential to communicate in a way that fosters growth without causing discomfort or offense. Many leaders think they can’t give constructive feedback and maintain psychological safety at the same time. Just last week, during a leadership training, a leader asked me, “How do I give feedback…
Read MoreGiving Recognition to your “Steady Eddy” Employees
As a leader, giving recognition to your “Steady Eddy” Employees is just as important as putting out fires. So much time goes to dealing with employees who exhibit disrespectful, abrasive, and overall negative behavior. Before you know it, most of your attention has gone to the problem employee and overlook the employee whose behavior is…
Read MoreSay Goodbye To The Workplace Drama Triangle And Hello To Strong Boundaries
Have you encountered drama in your workplace lately? Let me introduce you to the Workplace Drama Triangle, its roles, and strategies for navigating and resolving conflict efficiently. It may sound like a silly question since leaders often describe disagreements as escalating into unnecessary drama that takes away from getting work done. A conflict resolution called…
Read MoreHow to Deal with an Abrasive Co-Worker or Boss
Do you know how to deal with an abrasive co-worker or boss? Are you sensing pushback when you try to connect with colleagues or bosses who are edgy, irritable, and short-tempered? Are you feeling a sense of pushback when you try to connect with colleagues or bosses who don’t know how to communicate? Do you…
Read MoreDoes your Staff Meeting Remind you of a Tense Holiday Meal?
Imagine you have a high-performing team member, let’s call him Rob. He’s worked for your organization for years and knows your business inside out. While Rob is one of your most valued employees from a performance perspective, he has some rough edges in how he treats people. When projects don’t go as planned, his temper…
Read More4 Risks Executive Leaders Take When Abrasive Behavior Is Allowed
Addressing abrasive or any disruptive behavior in the workplace is messy and uncomfortable. But the risk of avoiding these difficult conversations is allowing the behavior to continue and infect your organization with a toxic culture. What makes addressing abrasive behavior even more challenging is if the employee is a top performer. This means they have…
Read MoreAn Uncommon Yet Effective Approach to Address Abrasive Behavior
Casey is preparing for a conversation he’d rather avoid. He’s about to meet with one of his top-performing managers who is a consistent high revenue generator for the company. The manager has been with the company for almost fifteen years and is widely respected for her expertise in their industry. The conversation isn’t about the…
Read More5 Signs of Level Headed Leadership That Resolve Conflict Sooner Than Later
When you are in the midst of conflict, how likely are you to stay level headed? Meaning, you maintain a calm composure despite the sensation that your heart is about to beat outside of your chest. You’re able to listen with curiosity instead of blurting out what you really want to say and resist the urge to…
Read More5 Signs Distraction is Your Conflict Style and What You Can Do About It
When conflict happens on your team, do you tend to crack a joke or find another way to distract from the tension? Many people don’t like conflict and assume it means they’re doing something wrong. In reality, conflict is healthy and allows teams to get more clarity about differences or about the direction to take…
Read More5 Signs Controlling Leadership May Be Contributing to Your Employee Turnover
“It’s very dramatic when two people come together to work something out. It’s easy to take a gun and annihilate your opposition, but what is really exciting to me is to see people with differing views come together and finally respect each other.” – Fred Rogers The World According to Mister Rogers: Important Things to…
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