The Art of Gaining Perspective in Leadership and Seeing the Bigger Picture
Many years ago, I read a story written by an unknown author about two men who shared a hospital room. Both men were confined to their beds. Every day, the man whose bed was next to the window described to his roommate what he saw as he looked out the window. He told him about…
Read MoreToxic workplace? How One Woman Chose to Stay & Grow
“When I was growing up, I learned to be cautious of what I said because it could set my dad off in an angry outburst at any minute. Just like in my family when I didn’t want to rock the boat with my dad, the same thing is happening at work with my boss.” A…
Read MoreThe Choice To Choose
“In between stimulus and response there is a space, in that space lies our power to choose our response, in our response lies our freedom and our growth” ~ Victor Frankl The above quote is the basis of why I selected “A Conscious Choice” as the name of my business. I firmly believe we each…
Read MoreHow One Woman’s Internal Peace Saved Her Life and Hundreds of Others
We handle external conflict well when we have internal peace. On August 20, 2013, Antoinette Tuff was a shining example of this concept. She started out her typical work day at Ronald E. McNair Discovery Learning Academy Elementary School, where she was suddenly met with a gunman who entered the school stating, “We are all…
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