How To Stand Up To An Abrasive Boss While Staying Level Headed And Respectful
Imagine having a boss who’s known for angry, emotional outbursts and knee-jerk reactions regardless of who’s around. Now imagine, you’re in a meeting with your boss and peers discussing a project timeline. Each person plays a role in contributing to the project. Suddenly your boss starts yelling about the project being behind schedule and you…
Read MoreOvercome Negative Reactions at Work with the 4 Rs of conflict resolution
How you ever had an extreme reaction to a seemingly small problem at work and wondered “Where did that come from? Why did I react so strongly?”. It could be your Workplace Family Factor® getting triggered. Your Workplace Family Factor® is the connection between: We all have childhood experiences that influence who we become as…
Read More5 Signs of Level Headed Leadership That Resolve Conflict Sooner Than Later
When you are in the midst of conflict, how likely are you to stay level headed? Meaning, you maintain a calm composure despite the sensation that your heart is about to beat outside of your chest. You’re able to listen with curiosity instead of blurting out what you really want to say and resist the urge to…
Read More5 Signs Distraction is Your Conflict Style and What You Can Do About It
When conflict happens on your team, do you tend to crack a joke or find another way to distract from the tension? Many people don’t like conflict and assume it means they’re doing something wrong. In reality, conflict is healthy and allows teams to get more clarity about differences or about the direction to take…
Read More5 Signs People-Pleasing is Your Conflict Style and Negatively Affecting Your Leadership Credibility
Why do some leaders have more credibility than others? Beyond the “smart” side of leadership vision, strategy, and metrics, a leader’s ability to handle conflict directly and productively is a skill that greatly affects their leadership credibility. It’s the difference between openly dealing with problems in a professional and respectful way and problems going underground…
Read More5 Signs Controlling Leadership May Be Contributing to Your Employee Turnover
“It’s very dramatic when two people come together to work something out. It’s easy to take a gun and annihilate your opposition, but what is really exciting to me is to see people with differing views come together and finally respect each other.” – Fred Rogers The World According to Mister Rogers: Important Things to…
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