5 Keys To Guide Your Abrasive Top-Performer To Positive Transformation
Did you know that every day you play a key role every day in helping your employees transform abrasive behaviors into emotional intelligence skills? Did you know that by addressing behaviors that distract from a healthy work culture, you serve as a guide for these same employees to become the...
Grow Your Spine & Manage Abrasive Leadership Behavior
As an HR professional, manager, or executive leader, you’ve probably googled something to the effect of “How to address bosses who bully”. And then you quickly realized, that most strategies follow a similar format: Set clear expectations, follow through with accountability, avoid he said/she said power struggles, etc… These are...
How to Deal with an Abrasive Co-Worker or Boss
Are you sensing pushback when you try to connect with colleagues or bosses who are edgy, irritable, and short-tempered? Are you feeling a sense of pushback when you try to connect with colleagues or bosses who don’t know how to communicate? Do you ever think to yourself “I love my...
How to successfully handle differences in the workplace and build a cohesive team
Do you ever wish there was a better way to handle differences with your team? To create an environment where everyone is able to express their wants, opinions, and perspectives that bring out the best ideas instead of “My way is the only right way”? All while staying level-headed without...
Stop letting your past impact your present: Identify your Workplace Family Factor
When was the last time you had a visceral reaction with a co-worker, employee, or your boss that reminded you of how conflict was handled in your upbringing? In a flash, you felt the surge of your fight/flight/freeze response kicking in with a knot in your stomach, sweaty palms, and...
How to Stay Non-Reactive and Set Healthy Boundaries in 5 Words or Less
Leadership is often like parenting when it’s necessary to draw lines and the lines aren’t always clear. Sometimes it can seem like steering on ice. Just like a parent, it takes discernment to know when to: Draw a firm, tight line and demand a lot of your...
Small Changes Over Time Could Mean Big Changes For Your Leadership In 2023
Have you heard the saying “Small actions create big changes”? That’s my wish for you. To take small actions over time to create big changes in your interpersonal skills as a leader in 2023. In a meta-analysis of thousands of studies about corporate culture and the top factors that best...
Are your dysfunctional family conflict patterns affecting your leadership conflict patterns?
Great, it’s happened again. An abrasive leader has exploded on one your team members yet again. The team member is embarrassed, afraid to contribute when the leader is around, and becoming disengaged from the organization. The last time this happened you swore to yourself that you’d address it the next...
Real-life examples of leaders who transformed their conflict style for the better
When was the last time that something you had waited a long time for FINALLY happened? On November 10, 2022 we finally celebrated - in-person – the leaders who contributed to my book How Did My Family Get In My Office?! The book was published 2 years ago in November,...
Does your Staff Meeting Remind you of a Tense Holiday Meal?
Imagine you have a high-performing team member, let’s call him Rob. He’s worked for your organization for years and knows your business inside out. While Rob is one of your most valued employees from a performance perspective, he has some rough edges in how he treats people. When projects don’t...