
BAF Blog_May 2023_LINKEDIN - 05.18.2023 A

The Hidden Benefits of Self-Awareness in Leadership and Teamwork

Self-awareness in leadership is a critical factor in building strong teams and fostering productivity. Research shows that leaders who understand their own values, emotions, and behaviors inspire their teams to perform at their best, creating an environment of trust and collaboration. Almost everyone thinks they’re self-aware. According to research by...
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How to stop letting emotional scars limit your leadership success

Stop letting emotional scars limit your leadership success by uncovering how past challenges shape your reactions today. By gaining self-awareness and addressing emotional wounds, you can unlock your full potential as a confident and effective leader. Making meaning out of challenges is one of the hallmark signs of leadership success....
BAF Blog_April 2023_BLOG - 4.20.23

Overcome Negative Reactions at Work with the 4 Rs of conflict resolution

4 Rs of conflict resolution. Have you ever had an extreme reaction to a seemingly small problem at work? “Where did that come from? Why did I react so strongly?”. It could be your Workplace Family Factor® getting triggered. Your Workplace Family Factor® is the connection between: The way conflict...
BAF Blog_April 2023_LinkedIn - 4.13.2023B

Giving Recognition to your “Steady Eddy” Employees

As a leader, giving recognition to your "Steady Eddy" Employees is just as important as putting out fires. So much time goes to dealing with employees who exhibit disrespectful, abrasive, and overall negative behavior.  Before you know it, most of your attention has gone to the problem employee and overlook...
BAF Blog_March 2023_LINKEDIN - 3.30.2023

Say Goodbye To The Workplace Drama Triangle And Hello To Strong Boundaries

Have you encountered drama in your workplace lately? Let me introduce you to the Workplace Drama Triangle, its roles, and strategies for navigating and resolving conflict efficiently. It may sound like a silly question since leaders often describe disagreements as escalating into unnecessary drama that takes away from getting work...
BAF Blog_March 2023_LINKEDIN - 3.23.2023 (1)

5 Keys To Guide Your Abrasive Top-Performing Employees

As a leader, you play a key role in helping your employees transform abrasive behaviors into emotional intelligence skills. Here are 5 keys to guide your abrasive top-performing employees to positive transformation. By addressing behaviors that distract from a healthy work culture, you serve as a guide for these same...
BAF Blog_March 2023_AC - 3.16.2023

Grow Your Spine & Manage Abrasive Leadership Behavior

Do you know how to manage abrasive leadership behavior? As an HR professional, manager, or executive leader, you’ve probably googled something to the effect of “How to address bosses who bully”. And then you quickly realized, that most strategies follow a similar format: Set clear expectations, follow through with accountability,...
BAF Blog_March 2023_AC- 3.2.2023

How to Deal with an Abrasive Co-Worker or Boss

Do you know how to deal with an abrasive co-worker or boss? Are you sensing pushback when you try to connect with colleagues or bosses who are edgy, irritable, and short-tempered? Are you feeling a sense of pushback when you try to connect with colleagues or bosses who don’t know...
BAF Blog_February 2023_AC - 2.16.2023

How to successfully handle differences in the workplace and build a cohesive team

Do you ever wish there was a better way to handle differences in the workplace?  To create an environment where everyone can express their wants, opinions, and perspectives that bring out the best ideas instead of “My way is the only right way”? All while staying level-headed without getting caught...
BAF Blog_February 2023_AC- 02.09 Workplace Family Factor Post

Stop letting your past impact your present: Identify your Workplace Family Factor

Identify your Workplace Family Factor to uncover how your upbringing influences your approach to conflict at work. By recognizing these patterns, you can develop strategies to respond thoughtfully and create healthier workplace relationships. When was the last time you had a visceral reaction in your place of work that reminded...