
What is a Fixer? The Costs and Benefits of Taking Charge
Have you ever found yourself stepping into a situation at work or at home, and taking on the task of solving other people’s problems? Perhaps at the expense of your time, energy, and even money, you tend to step in to save the day? Do you ever feel overwhelmed by...

How self-awareness optimizes your leadership and decreases your blind spots
Welcoming difficult feedback from a colleague can be uncomfortable, but it’s a critical step toward personal growth and improving your leadership impact. Self-awareness in leadership fosters personal growth and decreases your blind spots. Despite how uncomfortable it is to hear, were you actually grateful that someone on your team had the...

Does the look on your face create psychological safety with your employees?
Most leaders don't learn how to create psychological safety until it's too late. The skillset necessary to strategize your business plan, create systems, and monitor metrics is not the same skillset necessary to retain employees to run your day-to-day operations. That's why having interpersonal skills that create psychological safety with...

Why self-control is the engine of your success
Do you have a goal you’ve been striving for but haven’t yet reached? Whether it’s finishing a project, addressing team dysfunction, or having a tough conversation, self-control is the engine of your success. It’s the driving force that keeps you focused and persistent, and tools like the If-Then Plan can...

How To Stand Up To An Abrasive Boss While Staying Level Headed And Respectful
Imagine having to stand up to an abrasive boss known for angry, emotional outbursts and knee-jerk reactions regardless of who's around. Now imagine, you’re in a meeting with your boss and peers discussing a project timeline. Each person plays a role in contributing to the project. Suddenly your boss starts...

Overcome Conflict Avoidance – Nicole Greer Podcast Episode Highlights
Recently, I had the privilege of joining Nicole Greer on her Build a Vibrant Culture Podcast. We discussed the critical role healthy conflict plays in creating supportive work environments. It was a fun, dynamic conversation filled with actionable insights on how to overcome conflict avoidance. We had a great back-and-forth...

How a small, simple word makes a big difference in boosting your resilience in leadership
When faced with challenges, especially in leadership, boosting your resilience is crucial. I was reminded of this recently when my grandson started learning to tie his shoes. A task that seems simple to many of us is a monumental challenge for a child. The frustration of not getting it right...

How to give honest feedback to an abrasive superior
By all accounts, Jack is a successful leader. He’s an industry trailblazer that others look to for his expertise. Financially, he is doing well and his business is thriving. On the outside, Jack has many markers of success. What Jack doesn’t realize is how abrasive his behavior is to others....

3 Essential Qualities of Determined Leaders Who Don’t Give Up
There are 3 essential qualities of determined leaders that set them apart and enable them to persevere through challenges inspiring their teams to succeed. Have you ever stood in a landmark of history and had chills go up and down your spine? To have a feeling of awe of being...

How one leader learned to deal with an angry boss
Learning to deal with an angry boss can be challenging, but it’s often influenced by how we handled conflict growing up. For Lee, a senior leader featured in How Did My Family Get In My Office?!, her childhood experiences with an unpredictable and angry father shaped the skills she now uses...